Hello, GUI improvements often surprise us with just how impactful they can be, even for simple cases, they can really compound on the quality of life.
Hello, there has been an illness running around the office this week, so productivity has been down. Regardless, it is still friday, so here are the Factorio Facts.
Hello, It's another week! The release is getting closer!
Hello, we are really appreciating that the new offices have proper air conditioning...
Hello, as you could get from the caption, the work during the week was pretty frustrating at times, but the more rewarding it felt when the problems were finally fixed. This time I decided to give you another peek to our different kind of bug battles.
Hello, on Thursday we received a belated Christmas package from our friends over at Steam: They definitely won't be lasting long :-).
Hello, a large part of the team is attending GDS , if you are in Prague and interested in Games, you are welcome to come as well.
Hello Factorians, Most of the week has been spent by tweaking and fixing stuff that keeps coming up for the Monday release. Even though things seem to work reasonably well for us a lot of the reported issues are to be expected. Especially regarding the Matching Server and the Mod Portal. It is quite tricky to test these things in our limited environment. So please keep calm and report the bugs=) Some time ago we came up with an idea of involving more people from the team in writing Friday Facts than just kovarex or tomas. The motivation was to take off quite some responsibility from our shoulders but also to give other team members the opportunity to present their work - which we believe can be interesting to the readers. So slowly, posts written mostly by other developers (related to what they currently work on) started appearing. We would like to go in this one even further. So today, the post is written by Albert, our art director, who will give some introduction into the project from the point of view of the graphics creation and where he is going to steer the project art-wise in the future.
As announced previously, Factorio is now available for Nintendo Switch. You can find it on the Nintendo eShop in your region. I hope you will enjoy it. Remember that if you are not sure, you can try the demo. I recommend playing through the tutorial campaign even if you are a veteran player, as it gradually teaches you how to play the game with a controller.
Hello, it's another Friday, so time for another Friday Facts.